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WB 11/01/2021

This week in Maths we will be recapping column method addition and subtraction. Following that, we will be looking at the new skill of long multiplication then moving onto plotting and reading data on line graphs.

In English, we will be focusing on non-chronological reports; we will be doing a non-chronological reading comprehension and then building up the skills we will need to write our own non-chronological report.


Monday 11.01.2021 Day 1


Starter task:  To use negative numbers in the context of temperature

Maths starter task


Main: LO To use column method to add and subtract and solve problems using this skill

This is a recap of a skill we used last term. Don’t forget:

Carry over numbers in column addition

Exchange numbers in column subtraction.


Watch the videos to remind you of the method first. - column addition - column subtraction


Now look at the smart board pages to explore how to use column method in the context of money and weights.

Finally, the complete task set for your group.


Triangle task

Square  and circle task


English – Day 1
LO: To retrieve facts from non-fiction sources

Before the holidays, we started to look at non-chronological reports and completed one as a cold write all about sloths.


Task 1 - Ask a parent to test you: from the checklist, how many features of a non-chronological report can you recall?



Today you have a non-chronological report to read and then answer questions on. Remember, this is NOT a memory test – use the text to find the answers to the questions. As you are reading, you might want to underline any key facts or words you are not sure about. Either use a dictionary to check the meaning of the word or ask an adult to help you.

Task 2 – Reading comprehension

Triangle task

Square task

Circle task


Day 1 – afternoon sessions

Reading for pleasure – I have set a Myon activity for you all this week. Please either explore the books I have set or choose a book that you have at home to read. Please just spend some time relaxing and enjoying your text.


PSHE – please use the PowerPoint





Tuesday 12.01.2021 Day 2



Starter task:  To use short division with no remainder. Use bus stop method. If you are unsure of this method, watch the video to recap.

Starter task


Main: LO: To multiply up to a 4 digit number by a two digit number using a formal written method

This is a new skill in Year 5, so please watch the video carefully to understand the method.


Following that, check out my examples on the Smart Board then complete the task for your group.


Triangle task

Square task

Circle task


English – Day 2
LO: To understand and identify facts and opinions
A non-chronological report contain facts but not opinions. In today’s lessons, we will be exploring the difference between a fact and an opinion.

Watch this clip to help you understand the difference between facts and opinions


Task 1 – Look at the smartboard file at the examples of facts and opinions


Task 2 – Identifying facts and opinions then creating examples of your own

Triangle task

Square task

Circle task


Day 2 – afternoon sessions

Reading for pleasure – Please continue to read the book you were enjoying yesterday. Remember to find somewhere comfy or relaxing to read so that you can really enjoy this reading time.


PE – it is really important to keep fit both physically and mentally at this tricky time.

Active exercise – use Joe Wicks online sessions

Relaxation session – Use the link for Yoga with Adriene to relax after your exercise session



Wednesday 13.01.2021 - Day 3


Starter task:  To use short division with a remainder. Use bus stop method. If you are unsure of this method, watch the video to recap.


Starter task

Main: LO To problem solve and reason using long multiplication

Today we are going to use yesterday’s skill of long multiplication to problem solve. Have a look at the video first to practise the method.

Now look at my smartboard example.


Finally, complete the tasks for your group.

Triangle task

Square task

Circle task


English Day 3

LO: To note-take and bank facts from non-fiction sources
In today’s lesson, you will be given texts to read and find key facts in.

Task 1 – open the Pictures document and discover what you will be writing your non-chronological report on. Talk to an adult or another family member – what do you already know about this topic?


Task 2 – Look at the smartboard file.


Task 3 – read the text for your group and bank notes all about penguins from the text.

Triangle text

2nd triangle text

Square text

Circle text

Challenge: To continue your fact-finding online, using a search phrase such as penguin facts KS2


Afternoon lessons Day 3


Reading for pleasure - I have set you a task on Myon or continue enjoying reading your current book.

Science - this term we are looking at states of matter and chemical reactions (reversible and irreversible changes).





Thursday 14.01.2021 - Day 4


Starter task:  LO: To understand the value of each digit in a number

Starter task


LO: To create a line graph and solve problems using the graph to find the answers

In Year 4, you may have learned how to plot a time graph. We will now recap this skill and then move onto answering questions from data on a line graph and problem-solving.

Task 1: Watch the video to look at how to plot a line graph


Task 2: Look at the smartboard file and explore a question with me


Task 3 – complete the tasks for your group




Squared paper


English Day 4


LO: To understand and sort key subject-specific vocabulary

In today’s lesson, you will looking at key vocabulary that should be included in your non-chronological report about penguins.

Task 1 – watch this clip to inspire you and put you in the penguin zone!


Task 2 – Look at the smartboard file.


Task 3 – Watch this clip and on a piece of paper, write down all the vocabulary you think would be really useful in a non-chronological report about penguins. Start thinking about where you would put each word in your zone of relevance – in the hot penguin-only zone, or the cold, more general zone.

Task 4:

Use the zone of relevance template to sort the word list I have provided you with into zones. Tick them off when you have placed them in a zone.
 Add any other words from your own list.

Challenge: To start putting your vocabulary into sentences.

Zone of relevance





Afternoon Sessions - Day 4


PE - It is really important to keep active during lockdown. Either join in with Joe Wicks for a session or perhaps you could try some dance activities:


Use this link to explore different types of dance with Oti Mabuse from Strictly Come Dancing – learn with a professional!

Always follow your session with a stretching session – use the link to do our yoga from Tuesday


Computing – we are looking at Esafety and how to keep yourself safe online, especially at the moment we you are online even more than usual.

Watch these 5 clips carefully and make notes about how each one is relevant and important to your online activities.



Friday 15.01.2021 - Day 5

Welcome video



Starter task:  LO: To understand and use ² and ³ numbers

Starter task

Main: LO: To interpret data and solve problems using a line graph

Yesterday we looked at plotting points on a line graph. Today we are going to use line graphs to answer questions about the data they are showing.

Task 1:

Watch the video


Task 2: Look at the smartboard file and explore a question with me.


Take a look at the PowerPoint too for further examples


Task 3 – complete the tasks for your group





Day 5 15.01.2021 English

LO: To summarise a text into a number of key facts

Task 1: Watch the clip

Task 2:

Then move onto my smartboard file for the rest of the lesson. Today, we will be working mostly together to understand the skill of summarising.




Day 5 15.01.2021 – afternoon sessions


Geography – our topic this term is volcanoes and earthquakes


Watch the clip to see a volcano erupting. Talk to an adult about what you are seeing and what it may be like to be in the buildings nearby during the eruption.


Look at our topic front cover and again, explore what you are seeing in the images of the earthquakes.

Front cover

Task 1 – to identify what you think you may already know about volcanoes and earthquakes

Task 2 – using the template provided, identify what you would like to learn about volcanoes and earthquakes.

Work task















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